Tuesday, September 30, 2008

DynamicHeight problem in X++ report

When you developing X++ report, very frequent you will need to print string fields with large string size (eg. Name, Description, DeliveryAddress) or memo type of string. In this situation, you will have difficulty to determine the right Height property to use in the report. The default Auto option in the ReportStringControl follows the DisplayHeight property of the inherited Extented Data Type (EDT), which could be not long enough to display the full string. You can't fix the Height value also, unless the content of the ReportStringControl is known to have some fixed format during the development.

One quick solution for this problem is using DynamicHeight. Set the DynamicHeight property to Yes will let the system to determine the right Height value at runtime. But this is not a perfect solution. Usually DynamicHeight will have some weird problems on the report formating if you have a complex report design.

An alternative to DynamicHeight is to calculate the Height of the ReportStringControl at your own and set the Height based on the string length of the content at run time. Use the heightOfWordWrappedString100mm() method to determine the height of words and set the Height based on this value. You could do this in the executeSection() of the SectionGroup, before the call to super().

Here is the example to do that:
public void executeSection()
    ReportStringControl ctrl = this.control(fieldnum(PurchLine_1,DeliveryAddress));